We want you to know that is our greatest hope that we can all be together again soon, experiencing the power of live orchestral music.
Meanwhile, due to the ongoing pandemic, we at the BSO are in the process of reimagining our previously announced 125th anniversary season, set to begin in January. We expect to announce details next month, which will focus on a transition to digital viewing for concerts this season. With the indoor gathering limit in Maine still capped at 50, this is our best path forward – one we are excited to use as an opportunity to give you greater access to the BSO and to present programs that put a fresh twist on what we do.
If you are a subscriber who has already renewed, you will be the first to learn about our updated plans – and we assure you the greatest flexibility with your purchase going forward.
If you are a previous subscriber who has not yet renewed, or someone who is excited about the possibility of digital viewing, there will be new subscription options rolled out in November.
Stay tuned for much more, and in the meantime – thank you for your patience and for your support!