Eleanor’s Very Merry Christmas Wish–The Musical is based on the heartfelt book of the same name by Chicago creative powerhouse Denise McGowan Tracy and tells the story of a rag doll named Eleanor who lives in a magical world. Despite her love for her North Pole family, including Santa, Mrs. “Cookie” Claus, Clara Claus, and the elves–Twinkle, Sprinkle, and Sparkle–Eleanor’s very merry Christmas wish is for a best friend and home of her own. With the help of her elf friends, she realizes that wishing is not enough and so she writes her own letter to Santa expressing her wish. The letter opens the door to answering many questions and to the journey which leads to her wish, and others, coming true.
“…bursts with festive fun for the whole family. …endearingly heartfelt performances by a captivating cast. …(and) a team of expert designers baking love and character into every aspect of this show.”—Quinn Rigg, Chicagoland Musical Theatre
“Filled with charm, humor and a heartfelt message,”—Philip Potempa, Post-Tribune Feature
Get details or buy tickets now!
You have 48 hours to watch the show once you purchase tickets.
For extra family fun, add a party box:
- Household streaming tickets $20
- Sprinkle and Sparkle Super Fun Box with streaming tickets $65
- Super Duper Fun Box with streaming tickets $80
The Collins Center will receive a portion of ticket sales, so we thank you for your support! (Ticket fees and shipping not included.)
Here’s a sneak peek!